Legal Disclosure
The responsible person of this website is also the owner of this website. Said person is Lukas Weber.
According to §5 German Telemedia Act (TMG), the responsible person has to offer at least one way of getting into contact
This, however, is excluded for private / personal projects. My website, and thus the blog and content on this website, is purely personal, but not private.
Nevertheless, communication via letters is the traditional way, but can be extremely slow. I am also not feeling confident with putting out my private address here.
Thus, if you feel the need to contact me:
Please, use my email.
I can react the quickest this way.
If you insist on sending me a letter:
Either, scan the letter and attach it to the email, or, request my address via [email protected]. However, such a request must follow a valid and strong reason to be accepted. Anything that can be done via email and
Alternatively to using email, use any other method of getting in contact with me as described on my contact page.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: Unpon request
Please see left side.
Address: Unpon request
Please see left side.
See also my contact page.