
What is allowed and what not?

Legal Disclosure

Responsible person

The responsible person of this website is also the owner of this website. Said person is Lukas Weber.

According to §5 German Telemedia Act (TMG), the responsible person has to offer at least one way of getting into contact quickly with the owner.

This, however, is excluded for private / personal projects. My website, and thus the blog and content on this website, is purely personal, but not private.

Nevertheless, communication via letters is the traditional way, but can be extremely slow. I am also not feeling confident with putting out my private address here.

Thus, if you feel the need to contact me:
Please, use my email.
I can react the quickest this way.

If you insist on sending me a letter:
Either, scan the letter and attach it to the email, or, request my address via [email protected]. However, such a request must follow a valid and strong reason to be accepted. Anything that can be done via email and does not require my address will be denied.

Alternatively to using email, use any other method of getting in contact with me as described on my contact page.

Contact information
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]

Telephone: Unpon request only.
Please see left side.

Address: Unpon request only.
Please see left side.

See also my contact page.

Content, data and information published on this website are subjected to the german copyright laws.

The following speaks of content. Content mainly refers to my blog posts and projects. However, content can be any other form of information as well in a given context.

Where not otherwise stated applies:
I do encourage the share and contribution of and to my content.
I do not encourage redistribution of my content in any form, shameless 'copy&paste' and misclaims regarding my content.

However, generally applies:
I am doing this not only for myself, but to share information, strategies, code, projects and ideas with others. As long as our goals are the same, there will be no issues at all. You are allowed to use the projects and code from my website, as long as you:

  • Credit me, my work and a way of contacting me (e.g. use the link to the project or post you are using/referencing)
  • Not a requirement: Inform me (see my contact page) that you are using or referencing my content and what you are using it for
  • Accept and adhere to the license of that post and/or project
Single posts and projects may exclude and differ from this if stated differently on the project or post page.
Liability for content
We are liable for our own content on this website according to §7¶1 German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to §8-10 German Telemedia Act (TMG) service providers are not obligated to permanently monitor submitted and/or stored information, as well as searching for evidences that indicate illegal activities.

Legal obligations to remove or block the use of certain information remains excluded from this. In such a case, a liability is only possible from the time of knowledge about a specific violation of law. Illegal content will be removed immediately after knowledge of them.

Liability for links
This website might contain links to external websites and services of third-parties. We can and will not guarantee for there content.

The linked websites of said third-parties have been checked for possible violations and illegal activities at the time of the establishment of the link and nothing could be found. However, permanent monitoring of linked websites cannot be imposed without reasonable indications that there has been a violation of law. Illegal links will be removed immediately after acknowledging them.

Liability for third-party software, libraries and solutions
Furthermore, used third-party software, libraries and software, as described in credits, and links in any form to said third-party services are not guaranteed to work, are not guaranteed to provide only legal content and are not guaranteed to work with the same terms as this website.
Terms of service apply from used third-parties solutions.


This page is extended by the credits page.
Please also consult the credits page for further information about software, libraries and services used to build this website.

The credit page can be found here.