The project can be found in my repository.
SSG (Static-Side-Generator)
Zola is a SSG (Static-Side-Generator). It's used as a framework for postings, but has been heavily modified.
GitHub Pages is used for hosting this website.
Only static websites are supported, thus we need Zola.
CSS Framework
This website is designed with Bulma, a free, open source CSS framework based on Flexbox.
Bulma makes it extremely easy to design responsive (flex) user-interfaces. It is even possible to create websites without own stylesheets.
I still added some things myself and modified some of the component, but this websites design-core is Bulma. If you are interested in my changes check out the style-sheets on my repository.
This website makes use of different icons.
Most, if not all, are from Font Awesome.
Font Awesome, in its free license model, requires you to give proper credit to all used icons and state their changes.
I did introduce slight optimization on some icons, but the overall look of the icon did not change.
Furthermore, some icon colors where changed to better fit the color-schema of my website.
The license can be found here.
To see everything this website is using check out the repository.